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hi :) u can call me bella :) one wOrd frees us of all the weight and pain of life that word is lOve :) the persOn that i lOve Mr Zulkifli :) enjOy my blOg :) thank u sO much :) i am really appreciate :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

semalam MUET :(

semalam sy da ambk test MUET utk speaking test :( huwahuwahuwa :( payah gak :( x tau la dpt bpe nnti :( cmne la adk sy si amOy sepet bleh ckp mudah ? huh ! sje nk knekn sy kOt :( tp x pe :) as lOng as sy da try my best :) okay ?

nk tau x tajuk untuk speaking test sy ape ?
i ) chOices of friends
ii ) chOices of career 
iii ) extent of freedOm
iv ) lifestyle 

ktOrg disruh berikn opiniOn between  teenagers n parents on this issues :( adOi sy pn belasah jela :) as lOng as sy da brckp ;) hakhak :) * kOnOn nk sedapkn aty la tu kn ?

x pe2 ;) Yg penting dh lepas kn ? x dela kepale sy biul nk pkir psal bnde nie lg ! skit kpale otak sy ;) nOw , fOcus on reading , writing n listening :) insyaallah , u be success :)

eh2 ;) sy rindu maggi yg tersyg masakkan utk sy la :) meh nk uplOad gmbarnye ;) hakhak ;P nmpak mcm sedap kn ? yummy :P mmg sedap pn ;) >.<

One mOre thing , sy rndukn si comel + tembam di bwah nie ;

p/s : Ble kte bleh jmpe lg kn ? rndu la >.<


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