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hi :) u can call me bella :) one wOrd frees us of all the weight and pain of life that word is lOve :) the persOn that i lOve Mr Zulkifli :) enjOy my blOg :) thank u sO much :) i am really appreciate :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

hEning ♥

senyuman itu indah :) actually, ak x tau nk tulis ape pd wktu skang nie :) jam skang nie menunjukkan pkul 1.18 a.m :( Wktu2 cmnie smua org sedang lena mengulit mimpi :) indah + seronOk :) tp seriOusly, wktu cmni ak rndu rmh :) hOme sweet home

x dpt nk digambarkn bagaimne rsenye ble dh smpai rmh  + alsO ak rndukn my sweetest dArLing ♥ wlaupun dekat tp rse mcm jauh je :( cmne la klu ak blk rmh kn ? x tau nk ckp la :(

OMG ! td jmpe lecturer law + tgOk carrymark :( sngt sedih :( x tau nk ckp la :( kOmen bnyk2 pn x gne ;( bnde dh kuar pn :) nk x nk kne terime dgn ape yg kte dh wt kn ? tu yg termampu :) Yg pnting usaha + tawakal di FINAL :) insyaallah yg trbaik menanti kte :)

wktu skang mata ak ceLik besar2 utk fOcus pd paper LAW yg akan menanti x lme lg ;( nk x nk ak kne usaha bg bleh :) u can dO it :) trust yOurself :) 

mmg serOnok wktu2 cmni nk kne pulun tgOk buku :) tenang + serOnOk :) nOthing is impOssible in this world :) 

mulai saat nie, ak dh mle blaja sgale2nye :) ak perlu tau ape yg ak kjar dlm hidup ak :) ak ingin menjadi seperti org len :) aim highest :) make them proud :)

my paper FINAL fOr this sem almost dOne :) juz only left 1 paper :)

BEL311 - dOne
ECO162 - dOne
PAD214 - dOne 
CTU263 - dOne
PAD170 - dOne 
ACC106 - dOne
LAW245 - nOt dOne

prepare harder fOr paper law :) scary :( hOpe can succes :0 that's it ;)


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