About Me

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hi :) u can call me bella :) one wOrd frees us of all the weight and pain of life that word is lOve :) the persOn that i lOve Mr Zulkifli :) enjOy my blOg :) thank u sO much :) i am really appreciate :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

d bEst thiNgs fOr mE ♥♥♥

kOrg mesti trkiNja2 nk tau kn ape yg d bEst thing tu ?
hakhak ~
tngGu jap yE !

hakhak !
tu la kt atAs tu !
thE bEst things that i havE gOt it ! :)
ak akn jgE n sYg mrEka eLok2 !
♥ thEm !
tErujE + gEmbirA :)


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