About Me

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hi :) u can call me bella :) one wOrd frees us of all the weight and pain of life that word is lOve :) the persOn that i lOve Mr Zulkifli :) enjOy my blOg :) thank u sO much :) i am really appreciate :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

bOwLing at aLam sEntrAL !

actUalLy , hr nie ak n family g men bOwLing at aLam sEntraL !
hakhak !
sNgt sErOnOk n bEst !
Lme pLak tu x men bOwLing !
pErgh !
mMg bEst !
then g shOpping kt SACC malL !
n lAstLy g jAkeL kt bLakang UiTM shAh aLam..


  1. mana last score???
    sume masuk longkang ek???hakhak!!
    da satu teka teki....nape bola bowling masuk longkang???

  2. last scOre x smpat ambk gmbr la !
    x tau la !
    npe ye ?
